
WYPrintWorkshop / Events / Sat 08 Jul 2017

WYPWcourses - Photo-Plate Lithography - July

WYPWcourses - Photo-Plate Lithography - July

Photo-Plate Lithography

Day course
Saturday 8th July 2017
11 – 5

Tutor: Kate Desforges


A great alternative to traditional stone lithography. Transfer hand-drawn and photographic imagery onto inexpensive lithographic plates, and print using an etching press.

The photo-litho process will teach you how to transfer your images onto plates by exposing to UV light and then developing out, and how to take multiple prints from the plate. Photo-plate lithography can pick up an amazing amount of subtle tonal detail, and does not require any specialist lithography equipment.

Kate Desforges is technician at WYPW, and is has recently completed an internship learning Lithography at Leicester Print Workshop.

For more information visit http://www.wypw.org/shop/photo-plate-lithography-july/

Event Location

West Yorkshire Print Workshop

75A Huddersfield Road, Mirfield
WF14 8AT

Telephone: 01924 497 646
Email: info@wypw.org
Website: http://www.wypw.org/shop/photo-plate-lithography-july/

Event Details
