
WYPrintWorkshop / Events / Sat 11 Jun 2022

Further Etching – Sugarlift Aquatint

Further Etching – Sugarlift Aquatint

Saturday 11th June 2022

Your tutor: Kate Desforges

Famously used by Picasso in his etchings, sugarlift is a process which, when combined with aquatint, enables a broad range of painterly marks and tonal values to be created on a metal plate. It can be used on its own or in-combination with other etching techniques such as hard and soft ground. Spend a day exploring this fascinating technique with our technician Kate – for etchers who want to develop their work and expand their skillset.

Images are created by painting a saturated sugar solution onto a metal plate and covering with a waxy ground. Once dry, the plate is immersed in hot water, dissolving the areas painted with the sugar solution and ‘lifting’ them off the plate to reveal open areas of metal underneath. An aquatint is then applied, and the plate is etched, stopping out in-between etches if desired to create multiple tonal values.

On this course we will be working on A5-size copper plates and etching with a ferric chloride solution. Goggles and gloves will provided, but please note that we will be using grounds and varnishes which require the use of solvents to remove, so this course is not suitable for those who have any allergies or sensitivities to these products, or for pregnant women.

For more information visit https://wypw.org/product/further-etching-sugarlift-aquatint/

Event Location

West Yorkshire Print Workshop

75A Huddersfield Road
WF14 8AT

Telephone: 01924 497 646
Email: fabian@wypw.org
Website: https://wypw.org/product/further-etching-sugarlift-aquatint/

Event Details
