WOVEN / News / Wed 19 Feb 2020
Vounteer Social Gathering for WOVEN on 5 March

Planning for WOVEN in 2021 has started, with some longer term projects and partner events happening between now and then.
We are also sharing an empty shop space called Maker World in the Piazza, Huddersfield with the Children’s Art School, Chol, Our Biennial and Evoke.
New and existing WOVEN volunteers are invited to a social gathering at Maker World on Thursday 5 March between 4pm – 7pm.
Key information and discussion will be taking place between 5pm and 6pm but do feel free to come earlier or stay later if you’d like to reconnect with other volunteers and have a more informal chat with them or us. There will be hot drinks and cake of course!
We’ll be sharing information with you about current volunteer opportunities with WOVEN and would also love to hear any ideas you have about future involvement.
For more information visit https://woveninkirklees.co.uk/volunteer-social-march
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Website: https://woveninkirklees.co.uk/volunteer-social-march