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Victoria Allen

Victoria Allen Illustrator/Designer

I am an illustrator/designer living in South Devon.
Graphic design degree, Bath
My most recent project has been a range of 12 greeting cards for the Almanac Gallery, London. Local projects include packaging design for Heron Valley Organics & Challons Combe Organic Dairy produce. Also signage design for The Gallery Project at Avon Mill.

Please take a look at my website for examples of my work

Areas I have experience in:
Illustrations for promotional material/packaging
Educational posters
Greeting card designs
Surface pattern designs
Hand painted images in acrylic or watercolour
Lino/screen printing

I am also an Art adult education tutor, I teach drawing, mixed media, watercolour and acrylic
Please don't hesitate to get in touch to discuss your project

View my website

My Location

Telephone: 07799 154 069

Profile Details


Artist, Design