TrestleTheatre / Opportunities / Fri 14 Jul 2023
Trestle Theatre Company Trustee

Trestle Theatre Company is a mask & physical theatre company that has been delivering education workshops & training since 1981. Our mission is to inspire creativity through participation & dialogue & our ever-engaging masks.
Following several Trustees coming to the end of their term & the appointment of a new Chair last year we are looking for passionate individuals who are committed to developing the Company & supporting the staff to meet the company’s objectives in this next stage of development.
We have recently carried out a skills audit of our current Trustees & have identified a need for a Trustee with experience in finance & sustainability. We are also keen to ensure we have Trustees that are committed to the role & interested in the work we do & therefore welcome all applications.
Trestle is committed to its Board being representative of the communities in which we work & we therefore positively encourage applications from people of all backgrounds. We are particularly keen to hear from people from the global majority & those with lived experience of disability as these cohorts are currently underrepresented on our Board. If you would like this information in any other format or an informal conversation about the role please contact Clare Winter or Helen Barnett on 01727 850950
We are currently looking to recruit two people for positions on our Board of Trustees.
Role Description
General Responsibilities
• To ensure that the organisation complies with its governing document, charity law, company law & any other relevant legislation or regulations.
• To ensure that the organisation pursues its objectives as defined in its governing document.
• To ensure the organisation applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objectives.
• To contribute actively to the Board of Trustees' role in supporting the strategic direction of the organisation, helping to shape overall policy & assist Senior Management in defining goals, setting & evaluating performance against agreed targets.
• To safeguard the good name & values of the organisation.
• To ensure the management team administer the organisation effectively & efficiently.
• To ensure the financial stability of the organisation.
• To ensure that the charity’s property is managed efficiently & effectively by the management team.
• To appoint & support the Executive Director & Creative Director & monitor their performance.
In addition to the above statutory duties, each Trustee should use any specific skills, knowledge or experience they have to help the Board of Trustees reach sound decisions. To ensure all aspects of the company are well regulated & considered we have a Trustee lead for the following areas as well as having an appointed Chair & Vice Chair. All trustees take responsibility for risk management.
• Safeguarding
• Finances
• Artistic Output
• Justice, Equality, Diversity & Belonging
• Environmental Responsibility & Sustainability
• Development
Each lead will be expected to contribute to discussions on new initiatives, participate in subcommittees & or working groups & scrutinise board papers. Each Trustee is asked to focus on one or two areas in which they have expertise & to both represent these functions within the Board of Trustees & be the main ‘port of call’ for management seeking advice in these areas.
Currently, we are particularly looking for Trustees to take on the following roles.
Finance Lead
Environmental Responsibility & Sustainability Lead
Person specification
• Commitment to the organisation & willingness to devote the necessary time & effort to be able to contribute effectively to the organisation’s work
• Strategic vision in decision-making, to assist the organisation in achieving a high-profile national position on the cultural sector.
• Ability to exercise independent judgment
• Ability to think creatively
• Ability to work effectively as a member of a team
• Tact & diplomacy
• Good communication & interpersonal skills
• Impartiality, fairness & the ability to respect confidences
It would be desirable for a trustee to know the type of work undertaken by the organisation & wider involvement with the subsidised theatre sector, voluntary & charity sector & / or other relevant networks. We are looking for passionate people with a commitment to the organisation so trustees don't have to have prior experience in sitting on a Board of Trustees. All new Trustees will be fully inducted & we are happy to provide training & mentorship where necessary.
About the Board & How to Apply
Board meetings are held quarterly plus an annual away day & Trustees are expected to read all Board papers before attending a meeting. Meetings are taking place on Zoom or at Trestle Arts Base, St Albans. Each Board member serves a term of 3 years, at the end of which they can st& for re-election to a further term of 3 years.
Please note that this is a voluntary role, we do not pay Trustees to serve on the Board however, expenses reasonably incurred in connection with their duties can be reimbursed where necessary.
How To Apply
To apply please send an outline of your current work / relevant experience (or a professional CV), a completed Equal Opportunities form & a brief note about your interest in joining Trestle Theatre Company as a trustee.
Please email this to rhian@trestle.org.uk with Trustee in the subject line by 5 pm on the 14th of July 2023.
For more information visit https://www.trestle.org.uk/opportunities
Opportunity Location
Trestle Arts Base
Russet Drive
St Albans
Telephone: 01727 850 950
Email: rhian@trestle.org.uk
Website: https://www.trestle.org.uk/opportunities