The Dartington Hall Trust / Events / Wed 14 Dec 2016

Earth Talk: With Jay Griffiths

Earth Talk: With Jay Griffiths

Tickets £5 | Concessions £4

This talk will examine the idea of dusk, the mischief hour, the time of paradox and uncertainty. It is the hour of the Trickster and of the messenger, the hour of prayer and of hunting. It is the time which conjures certain creatures - owl and bat and hare - and it also suggests qualities of thought, particular creatures of the mind. Including Loki and otters, Hermes and the body-clock, Jay Griffiths will explore some of the cultural depths of this tricky, elusive and enigmatic time.

About Jay Griffiths
While travelling the world in order to write her award-winning book Wild, Jay Griffiths became increasingly aware of the huge differences in how childhood is experienced in various cultures. One central riddle, in particular, captured her imagination: why are so many children in Euro-American cultures unhappy – and why is it that children in many traditional cultures seem happier? In Kith Jay Griffiths explores these questions and many more. Moving from communities in West Papua and the Arctic to the ostracised young people of contemporary Britain, she asks why we have enclosed our children in a consumerist cornucopia but denied them the freedoms of space, time and deep play. She uses history, philosophy, language and literature to illustrate children’s affinity for the natural world and the essential quest element of childhood. “Her work is not just good – it’s necessary.” – Philip Pullman

For more information visit

Event Location

The Playroom

Schumacher College

Telephone: 01803 847 070
