The Dartington Hall Trust / Events / Fri 27 Nov 2015

A Merry Wassail – Galliarda

A Merry Wassail – Galliarda

Tickets £12 / £1 discount for Dartington members / U18s £5

The title of this celebratory seasonal programme, is taken from John Playford’s collection The Dancing Master. The programme includes Christmas songs and carols from the Mediterranean, England, France and Germany, plus Telemann's magnificent cantata for soprano with obbligato flute ‘Ihr Völker hört’ celebrating the three kings, and music by Handel and Arne. This established quartet has recently been joined by Ibi Aziz, long known to TEMS members.

The four members of Galliarda are all highly respected performers who have wide experience of performing internationally, recording, teaching and research in the fields of Renaissance and Baroque Music. They offer an unusual combination of instruments, providing maximum variety, with soprano voice, two viols, recorder(s) or flute, combined with lute, early guitar, theorbo and percussion.

The ensemble engages with the audience by talking about their instruments, and including witty (and bawdy) readings in their performances. Formed in 2010, after Sara Stowe and Wendy Hancock had met when recording Renaissance music together. They now include plucked instrument specialist Richard MacKenzie and viola da gamba player Ibi Aziz.

For more information visit

Event Location

United Free Church

Fore Street

Telephone: 01803 847 070
