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The Wandering Wordsmith

The Wandering Wordsmith About me

Born and raised on a windswept Yorkshire moor, I spent much of my childhood either reading or writing stories. My first steps into writing commercially began 15 years ago when I trained and landed a role as a newspaper journalist. Since then I've worked in a number of editorial roles and as a freelance writer. For the last four and a half years I've been cracking on with my fiction writing and last year I completed my first novel, a middle-grade (9-12) fantasy fiction story. I'm now working on a new middle-grade fantasy adventure while sending out the first MS to selected agents. I also work as a Communications Officer for a trade union and hold creative writing workshops at my local community centre. When not writing I enjoy being with my family, getting active outdoors and reading just about anything I can get my hands on.

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Telephone: 07792 115 189

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My Events

Creative Non-fiction Writing Workshop next Friday! / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2014-07-04T00:00:00Z">Fri 04 Jul 2014</span>Creative Non-fiction Writing Workshop next Friday! / Fri 04 Jul 2014

Dawn Amesbury (aka The Wandering Wordsmith) is a former newspaper journalist with 15 years' experience in editorial/non-fiction writing roles. On Frid...