The Media Centre / News / Mon 25 Jun 2018
Apply for a micro-grant for your idea with Huddersfield SOUP #6

Want to apply for a micro-grant for your business? There are days left to apply to pitch your idea at Huddersfield SOUP No 6.
You could be one of four projects selected to pitch to our audience for a chance to win a micro-grant.
All ideas are welcomed as long as they benefit a Huddersfield community or person. It takes just 15 minutes to apply online at http://mediactr.link/soup5app.
Deadline for applications is 1pm on Saturday 30th June.
What is SOUP?
SOUP is a great way to raise money, build community support and get connections to local resources that can help you carry out your project.
In exchange for a minimum donation of £5, the audience receive soup, entertainment and a vote.
Four pitches will be chosen to present and the winner is the pitch that receives the most votes and they are given all the door money as micro-grant.
SOUP aims to make Huddersfield a thriving community and a supportive place to bring ideas alive.
The rules are simple, you have to live in Huddersfield and / or the project must benefit a Huddersfield person, business, organisation or community.
Huddersfield SOUP No 5 is being held on Wed 18 April and we hope you will join us. Tickets are available via https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/huddersfield-soup-no-5-tickets-43543064478
For more information visit https://themediacentre.typeform.com/to/AXUrlo
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