Sound Communities CIC / Events / Fri 30 to Sat 31 May 2014 (2 days)
Parkfield Xtreme Radio Live FM Broadcast

Do you want to reach and engage young people during our live FM youth broadcast @ Parkfield Xtreme Radio
We are delighted to announce the first, ever live FM broadcast by and for young people in the bay so if you think you, your friends your group, and/or your organization would like to get involved then you could take part by:
• Presenting a live show – music, chat, interviews, reviews, listings, news ……..
• Recording something going on in your community and sending it to us to playout
• Asking our team to cover an event that’s going on that you feel needs promoting/recording- this could be an outside broadcast in your community
The FM broadcast will be at the end of May 2014 – we are waiting confirmation on the date.
How to get involved?
Group Leaders Training – a session to show you how to use the studio and advice on how to support your groups to make good live radio or recordings of interviews/events
We are offering these free radio training sessions leading up to the broadcast for groups and individuals. Dates are yet to be confirmed. Email Kate on kate@soundcommunities.co.uk to register your interest asap. Places are limited so don’t delay!
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/ParkfieldXtremeRadio/