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Scott Evans Devon Unsigned 2009

Scott Evans (contributor to the Hearlds Express weekly Lowe Down Column and is teaming up with the management team at Mojo’s ‘live’ music venue Bar on Torquay seafront to stage a mammoth showcase of Devon based bands and other live music acts for Easter weekend 2009.

Devon is thriving with amazing musical talent, and it is the purpose of this event to showcase those unsigned original musicians and acts to new potential fans and to people and businesses who could possibly help with their careers.

Scott will be working hard to make this occasion known to as many people as possible who operate in our part of the country. Those within the industry whose jobs entail searching for new acts will be invited to the event, and it is hoped that some of the best that our region has to offer will be under one roof, for one fantastic night.

It has also been decided that the night would be a great opportunity to double as a charity fundraiser. Though an exact cause has not yet been decided upon, it is felt that a charity for wounded military personnel returning from the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq would be a cause very much worthy of supporting.

If you are a singer songwriter, a band or a fantastic instrumentalist, and would like to be involved in Devon Unsigned 2009, then please contact Scott at If contacting, please inform us about yourself/act and any links to a webpage. If you do not have an online portfolio, then a music file sample would be very much appreciated. Updates for the progression, involvement and lineup of the event can be found at

Scott also welcomes any individuals or businesses who would like to get involved in Devon Unsigned 2009 to contact him also.

Please feel free to contact Scott with any questions that you have.

Best regards

Devon Unsigned 2009 Team

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