SAASH Arts / Opportunities / Fri 15 Nov 2013

St Albans knows a thing or two about markets, having one of the oldest regular markets in the UK, dating back to the 9th Century. So what better City to hold a European-style Christmas Market?
We are recruiting exhibitors and are keen to have a good selection of local and regional craft; art and design at this first ever market. We are confident that we will secure between 70,000 and 90,000 visitors to St Albans for the market. Over 24 days visitors will enjoy browsing the high quality produce on offer in up to 42 traditional wooden chalets circling the Cathedral and Vintry Gardens. The pretty Cathedral quarter sits right at the centre of a triangle of St Albans 'oldest' treasures: the only working Medieval Clock Tower; the oldest Public School in the country; and for visitors to the market who fancy a pint of real ale, the oldest pub in the UK, The Fighting Cocks, just at the foot of the Abbey Orchard, is a stone's throw from the Cathedral.
We are keen to hear from individuals and groups of makers who might be interested in participating. We have a range of chalet sizes and prices and are happy to work with groups to share a chalet to make them affordable for our local and regional makers and have negotiated a special rate for Hertfordshire artists in a delightful barn door chalet. With limited availability, these are booking fast, so speak to Tom Dawson to secure your chalet!
For exhibitor details visit our website: http://enjoystalbans.com/whatson/christmasmarket/stallholders/index.html
To discuss your options please call Tom Dawson on: 01727 814675/819492 or email: Tom.Dawson@stalbans.gov.uk
For more information visit http://enjoystalbans.com/whats-on/christmasmarket/stallholders/index.html
Opportunity Location
St Albans Christmas Market
Wax House Gate, The Vintry Gardens and Sumpter Yard, St Albans, Herfordshire
Telephone: 01727 819 492
Email: stalbanschristmasmarket@stalbans.gov.uk
Website: http://enjoystalbans.com/whats-on/christmasmarket/stallholders/index.html