Rhodes Arts Complex

Rhodes Arts Complex / Events / Fri 16 Sep 2016

Bette Midler & Me

Bette Midler & Me

SUE KELVIN stars in a tribute show to Bette Midler, covering the life and songs of the Divine Miss M from the perspective of a life-long fan. The show features over a dozen songs including: BOOGIE WOOGIE BUGLE BOY; I’M A WOMAN; I THINK IT’S GONNA RAIN TODAY; EVERYTHING’S COMING UP ROSES; FROM A DISTANCE; THE ROSE; CHAPEL OF LOVE; WIND BENEATH MY WINGS and THE GLORY OF LOVE.

Plus highlights from Midler comedy routines, and a commentary on Bette’s life explaining just how Bette inspired Sue to don seven inch platform heels and become a West End diva herself! She has starred in West End hits Wicked, Les Misérables, Fiddler on the Roof and Chicago. But now she turns her focus on her idol.

Also – a puppet show version of ‘BEACHES’. What could be more divine?

“… a show that is heartfelt and hilarious in equal measure.” BROADWAY WORLD

Tickets: £18


For more information visit http://www.rhodesbishopsstortford.org.uk/

Event Location

Bishop's Stortford Theatre

Rhodes Arts Complex
1-3 South Road
Bishop's Stortford
CM23 3JG
CM23 3JG

Telephone: 01279 710 200
Email: info@rhodesbishopsstortford.org.uk
Website: http://www.rhodesbishopsstortford.org.uk/

Event Details
