Juliette Goddard MA(RCA) / Events / Tue 20 to Sun 25 Sep 2011 (6 days)
The Bargehouse " Choises" exhibition in London

The Barge house, where the exhibition takes place until 25 September 2011, is situated behind the OXO Tower on the banks of the River Thames; meat was once delivered by barge and passed through the loading bays into cold stores, then processed and packed. Displayed with the Artist’s and designers work, the Barge house resembled a down town New York Loft or warehouse stuffed to the 4th floor with some very exciting work. In the lead up to Black History month Karin-Beate Phillips has worked very hard with the British European Design group and the African & African –Caribbean design Diaspora to present the very first springboard for Black Artist and designers in the UK.
The vision “A choice to remember” comes from the history of Harvard graduate Carter Godwin Woodson. Born in 1875 in New Canton Virginia as one of nine children, he was convinced that the role of his own people in American history and the history of other cultures was being ignored and devoted his life to historical research to preserve the history of African Americans. Karin has taken the inspiration from the Father’s of Black History to create a vision for the future of Black Artists and designers, and established this exhibition as a starting point to widen awareness of powerful African and African-Carribean art and design that is currently at best undervalued but mostly not recognised. The raw beauty of the atmosphere created in the Barge house lends itself to the multi-disciplinary mixed media photography, textiles, fashion, furniture and Fine Arts on display and will run alongside other events. New York and Caribbean based ARC art magazine editor Holly Bynoe sums it up:”until now, this creative community was completely neglected and I had to come to London for this as it is exciting to experience someone creating this new platform and actually collate and put on display some of the best talents in the field.”
This exhibition is open Mon-Sun 10am-6pm, 9 Sept – 25 Sept 2011,
Tags: Adjani Okpu-Egbe, African Art, African-Carribean Art, Choices, Design, Juliette Goddard, Karin-Beate Phillips, Raimi Gbadamosi
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London exhibition Private View of ‘Europa – the Woman’
Tuesday, April 5th, 2011
LONDON – The latest exhibition of the international arts project ‘Europa – The Woman’ was opened at London’s 12 Star Gallery in Smith Square and attended by several artists flying in from across Europe: Cornelia Krafft from Beirut, Juliana Do from Vienna, Tim Davies from Hanover. Also present were Juliette Goddard and Marcelle Hanselaar, both residing in London.
Europa - The Woman founder Wilfried Rimensberger, Studio International art critic Anna McNay and artist Tim Davies in front of André Wilhelm's 'Madonna'
From Italy attending was singer Sofia Taliani, who suggested contributing a sound sculpture in the form of her interpretation of „Queen of the Night“, to be shown at future exhibitions. Music for the evening was provided by singer/songwriter Pete Woodroffe. The evening was hosted by the projects founder Wilfried Rimensberger and Jeremy O’Sullivan, responsible for cultural diplomacy at the EU Commission’s UK office and for running the 12 Star Gallery. Jutta Weber and Cecile Deer represented CESPA as the original beneficiary of the project’s artwork sale and sponsorship. Responses from art critics, consultants and a string of guests were encouraging with many stating that the project has lots of international development potential. Event pictures were taken by actors’ and art photographer Rocco Redondo, who just did the pictures for Tate Britains’s recent Henry Moore exhibition catalogue. Contributing artists are: Victor Agius (Malta), Juliana Do (Bulgaria),
Juliana Do with her 'Europa' at the 12 Star Gallery exhibition
Tim Davies (Germany), Solidea Guerra (Croatia), Juliette Goddard (England), Marcelle Hanselaar and Mirjam Visker (The Netherlands), Cornelia Krafft (Austria), Christine Robion (France), Mikkel Urup (Denmark), Jean-Marie Biwer (Luxembourg), Cristian Iotti (Italy) and André Wilhelm (Switzerland).
‘Europa – The Woman’ is looking for further artists to join this international project and build a collection of artistic reflections related to femininity in Europe and also in support of a truly multi-lingual education utilising the European Baccalaureate curriculum. The project is envisaged to become a creative platform to communicate and celebrate achievements of woman in Europe. In a further step just taking shape, essays and other written works are currently contributed by academics , writers and artists to expand the project with an illustrated book reflecting the subject. And plans are progressing for further exhibitions in various countries throughout continental Europe. The 12 Star Gallery exhibition of ‘Europa – The Woman’ in London closes on 21 April 2011.
Juliette Goddard gets herself involved with the Italian connection brought to London by Cornelia Krafft
Tags: 12 Star Gallery, André Wilhelm, Anna McNay, Annelie Sernevall, Cecile Deer, Christine Robion, Contemporary art, Cornelia Krafft, Cristian Iotti, Europa - The Woman, European Baccalaureate, European School, Fine art, International art project, Jean-Marie Biwer, Jeremy O'Sullivan, Juliana Do, Juliette Goddard, Jutta Weber, London Art exhibition, Marcelle Hanselaar, Mikkel Urup, Mirjam Visker, Pat Johnstone, Rocco Redondo, Sofia Taliani, Solidea Guerra, Tim Davies, Victor Agius, Wilfried Rimensberger
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Juliette Goddard on Paula Rego
Saturday, August 7th, 2010
LISBON/LONDON/OXFORD – Europa – The Woman artists Juliette Goddard visited the new Paula Rego Museum in Lisbon and decided to produce a video clip on the current Rego exhibition at Marlborough London. The show is titled Oratorio and consists of a series of paintings and prints plus a huge Triptych all focusing on aspects that have our perceptions of the female at its core.
Paula Rego’s combination of brilliant painting skills and often humorous but nevertheless painful blunt subject reflection has created a following that makes her the highest selling artists currently working out of London.
Artlys link to the Marlborough Gallery video by Juliette Goddard
Paula Rego Museum Lisbon pictured by Juliette Goddard
Tags: Europa - The Woman, Fine art, Juliette Goddard, Marlborough Gallery, Paula Rego, Portugese Painter
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Launch event of Europa – The Woman in Oxford is a sound success
Monday, May 10th, 2010
Oxford – The Private View of the Europa – The Woman exhibition and launch event for the international charity arts project at the Long Room Gallery, New College attracted a fast set of people from across Oxfordshire, London and international destinations despite the whole of Oxford bubbling over with art events linked to the Oxfordshire Artweeks. Europa – The Woman artist Christine Robion came from Paris, Eva Gargulinska arrived direct from the opening of her latest exhibition in Peking. Juliette Goddard travelled from South-London with husband Charles and Dutch artist Marcelle Hanselaar checked in at the New College for a quick Long Room encounter only to dash off to a dinner event somewhere else. Croatian artist Solidea Guerra was on a high as one of her works is selected for public exhibition at the Oxford Castle Sculpture Garden.
Courtesy of Wilfried Rimensberger, Swiss artist André Wilhelm made a last minute oil painting contribution entitled ‘Madonna’. Artists and visitors were praising the exhibition by so far 14 artists from around Europe that reflect on the theme Europa – The Women. The opening speech by CESPA chairwoman Astrid Nielsen-Schuurmans conveyed convincingly the passion of Culham European School parents that drives the exceptional activities for keeping the European Baccalaureate not only alive in the UK’s mainstream education curriculum as a leading foreign and science teaching programme for primary and secondary school children. David Smith, Director and Secretary to the Board, CLASS, further highlighted this message. He spoke on behalf of Lord Jay, Chairman of CLASS, conveying his best wishes for the arts project and emphasizing that Europe – The Woman was an example of the European School parents’ extraordinary efforts to support one of the most successful education schemes that is leading to true bi- and tri-lingual language students with access to leading Universities. Catherine Bearder, MEP South East Constituency, expanded on the true multi-cultural education the European Baccalaureate provides and explained that this school is a true enrichment for Oxfordshire. Dr Volker Halbach, representing New College, was thanked for the generous free provision of their Long Room gallery space.
After the speeches singer songwriter Pete Woodroffe accompanied by his own guitar playing entertained guests with a set of songs. He has also given us a track from his latest album ‘Big In Small Places’.
If Only Love Was True – Peter Woodroffe.mp3
Peter Woodroffe’s Myspace
Other guest included Wolfgang Steuer, Warner Brothers, and Summertown book author and photographer Robin Laurance. There were many representatives of the European School including Headmaster Simon Sharron with wife, Karin van Vrede-Leopold, Vice-President Interparents and Antonella Shorrock, acting Chair of CESPA.
Project producer Wilfried Rimensberger was able to confirm that artists from across Europe have provided artwork and will provide further works with a potential benefit of over £100000 to the future Culham European Academy. Sales are via a charity auction to be held in June. A string of further world-class European artists are still approached to join the project that is to be shown in several cities across Europe. One high-light will be an exhibition at the UK EU Commission’s new 12 Star Gallery, as confirmed by Jeremy O’Sullivan, responsible for cultural diplomacy at the London EU organisation. He also proposed to host the launch of the book Europa – The Woman, to which the first essays and poems are submitted. The book will also feature artwork from the exhibition. Further exhibition locations proposed by various organisations such as artstart are Amsterdam, Zurich, Luxembourg, Berlin and Istanbul, with details to be announced during the coming months. Organisations and individuals buying artworks and lending it further to the project for future shows across Europe will become official sponsors of the exhibitions and get additionally credited in the book.
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Tags: Artweeks, Catherine Bearder, CESPA, Christine Robion, CLASS, Culham European Academy, David Smith, Europa - The Woman, European School, Ewa Gargulinska, Jeremy O'Sullivan, Juliette Goddard, Long Room, Lord Jay, Marcelle Hanselaar, New College, Oxford, Pete Woodroffe, Rimensberger, Simon Sharron, Solidea Guerra
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12 Star Gallery ABN Amro Art Artstart Bulgaria charity event Christine Robion CLASS Cornelia Krafft Culham European Academy ETEE Europa Europa - The Woman Europe European Academy European School Europe the woman Events Ewa Gargulinska Exhibition Feminism Fine art Gallery Lang Haus Wittgenstein Jean-Marie Biwer Jeremy O'Sullivan Juliana Do Juliette Goddard Juliette Ingrid Goddard London Art exhibition Long Room Marcelle Hanselaar Mikkel Urup Mirjam Visker New College Oxford Oxford Artweeks Oxford University Rimensberger Solidea Guerra Tim Davies Victor Agius Vienna Wien Woman
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