Our Biennale

Our Biennale / Events / Sat 24 to Sun 25 Oct 2020 (2 days)

Our Biennale Big Draw

Our Biennale Big Draw

Our Biennale is back for 2020/21 and the first event will be part of The Big Draw – the world’s largest drawing festival:

Come and be part of a huge collaborative map which imagines a new future for Huddersfield.

Join illustrators Ruth Dyer and Harriet Lawson to draw a new Huddersfield town.

In this FREE drop in session for all the family, we’ll design new buildings, grow new plants, decide what the shops are selling, come up with inventions and imagine who might live in (or be banished from!) our town to make it a wilder, kinder, greener, cleaner place.

Our map, displayed in the Maker World window, has been started by children from all over Kirklees. We want to add your ideas to make it a truly collaborative masterpiece of town planning.

Organisers: Ruth Dyer with Evoke (Kirklees Cultural Education Partnership) and The Children's Art School.
Part of Our Biennale.

For more information visit https://evokekirklees.org/events/category/biennale-events/

Event Location

Maker World

Unit 33/34
Piazza Shopping Centre

Telephone: 07806 334 728
Email: thechildrensartschool@gmail.com
Website: https://evokekirklees.org/events/category/biennale-events/

Event Details

Age group

