Laurapakora Design / News / Fri 13 Jan 2012
Shortlisted for South Devon Business Excellence Awards

Just before Christmas, I entered the South Devon Business Excellence Awards. A friend of mine suggested I put the business up for one of the awards, and after a few days I thought, “why not?”
I entered for the Young Entrepreneur Award, and to be honest, didn’t think any more of it! Christmas came and went, and since the New Year I have been busy working on different projects, as well as trying to re-organise and re-decorate my office/studio and I had forgotten all about the awards. Then on Wednesday afternoon, I received an email.
I have been shortlisted along with 3 other companies for the Young Entrepreneur award, which will be announced at an Awards Ceremony on 10th February. I am absolutely over the moon to be shortlisted, and I’m looking at the Awards ceremony as a chance to treat myself to a new dress, as well as network with lots of other local businesses. You can see the article in the Herald Express here: http://www.thisissouthdevon.co.uk/South-Devon-business-awards-shortlist-announced/story-14400371-detail/story.html
For more information visit http://laurapakoradesign.wordpress.com/2012/01/13/shortlisted-for-south-devon-business-excellence-awards/