KoalaScrawwls / News / Fri 03 May 2013
Zambia Chimpanzee Sanctuary Fundraising Campaign

Prints available for sale at www.etsy.com/shop/KoalaScrawwls and all proceeds go towards my fundraising campaign for the 'Chimfunshi Chimpanzee Wildlife & Orphan Care Project' - contributions to the project can also be made independently at the link below....
Pleeeeease contribute!! If you had a banana and you bumped into an orphaned chimp, you would surely give it your banana.....that banana cost you about 20p - it takes seconds to donate, even if its only 20p and I'll give bananas to 100 chimps on your behalf when I get there!!!! You owe it to the chimps, and every little counts - (it works for the gargantuan entity that is Tesco)
For more information visit http://fundraise.govoluntouring.com/campaign/1000036/