Kirklees Libraries

Kirklees Libraries / Events / Thu 01 Apr to Mon 31 May 2021 (2 months)

Library Adventures Live!

Library Adventures Live!

Library Adventures Live! is a magnificent online programme of events for children aged 4-11 to re-engage them with reading. Each week Kirklees Libraries streams a fabulous event for children to join in at school or at home. There are authors reading from their work and answering your questions, illustrators running draw-alongs and sketching your suggestions and an amazing variety of inspiring and creative activities to do. Each entertaining adventure is streamed live on both Kirklees Libraries YouTube channel and Facebook page on Tuesdays at 11am but is also available to catch up with later.

Children can watch and join in with their families at home, teachers can use the sessions with children in school or may even use the sessions to support home schooling. The fun adventures are designed to encourage reading for pleasure and stimulate creativity. From storytelling, Draw Alongs, poetry and creative activities to do at home, there’s something for everyone. The diverse programme includes sessions designed to engage reluctant readers, playful activities for younger children and updates on what’s trending in children’s fiction.

Library Adventures Live! is not just for lockdown, it’s for the long term!

For more information visit

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Telephone: 01484 414 868

Event Details
