Kirklees Culture Declares / Events / Wed 11 Mar 2020
Reading Group at Pop-up Climate Emergency Hub

We are hosting a one-off reading group of a short story by Andy Goldring, as part of the week of activities in the @KDeclare pop-up Climate Emergency Hub. https://www.facebook.com/events/200895451102942/
The piece we’ll read together is called “West Yorkshire Water Co-operative 2030”, taken from our book of essays “What Kind of Region Do We Want To Live In?”, a fictionalised account of a tour of a visitor centre belonging to a de-privatised West Yorkshire water company, set 10 years from now.
It’s written in the first person, as though the tour guide is speaking, and is only 900 words long, so very easy to read through together and chat about, in no more than 90 minutes.
There is no need for participants to read the story in advance, just come along and join in.
Despite its simplicity, “West Yorkshire Water Co-operative 2030” raises important questions about who owns our natural resources, who profits from them, and what this means for how we can respond to the climate emergency?
All welcome to take part, no booking necessary.
For more information visit https://wesharethesameskiesblog.wordpress.com/2020/02/25/reading-group-climate-emergency-hub/
Event Location
Pop-up Climate Emergency Hub
The Piazza,
Opposite Huddersfield Library,
Princess Alexandra Walk,
Telephone: 07534 116 627
Email: kirkleesdeclares@posteo.org
Website: https://wesharethesameskiesblog.wordpress.com/2020/02/25/reading-group-climate-emergency-hub/