JJ's Arts Academy

JJ's Arts Academy / News / Wed 18 Apr 2018

Fun with our Circus themed Jinglebugs!

Fun with our Circus themed Jinglebugs!

Our "Jinglebugs" were busy with Lucy this morning clowning around to Circus themed songs and nursery rhymes!
In our picture we have Noah with his mummy shaking his Maraca to "Nelly the Elephant"!
Join us next Tuesday with your little ones at 10:30am in Mr Biscuits cafe for another circus session!
Suitable for ages 1-4 and just £1 for half an hour of musical fun!

For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/Jinglebugs-JJs-Arts-Academy-1543617612368661/

News Location

Mr Biscuits cafe

Mr Biscuits
34 Market Walk
TQ12 2RX

Telephone: 01626 332 286
Email: reception@jjsartsacademy.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Jinglebugs-JJs-Arts-Academy-1543617612368661/

News Details
