John Evans - jev ceramics / Events / Sat 03 to Sun 04 Dec 2011 (2 days)
Sussex Guild Contemporary Craft Show - Midhurst

The Sussex Guild's annual show at Midhurst. 40 of the county's selected top designer/makers will be there for you to meet , talk about their work, and to take home a few unique items. The stands include Ceramics, Enamelling, Feltmaking, Glass, Jewellery, Knitwear, Leather, Metalwork, Printmaking, Silversmithing, Textiles, Wood Carving, Wood Turning. Open 10.00 am - 5 pm 3/4 December 2011 - Admission £1.50.
For more information visit http://www.thesussexguild.co.uk/midhurst_craft_show.html
Event Location
Midhurst Rother College
North Street
W Sussex
GU29 9DH
Telephone: 07796 561 260
Email: judith@jbcooper.plus.com
Website: http://www.thesussexguild.co.uk/midhurst_craft_show.html