Holme Valley Sharing Memories / News / Tue 26 Jul 2016
Reflections project unites generations

An arts project, which focused on glass making, has enabled older people to work alongside school children and adults with learning difficulties and other adults recovering from mental health issues.
The Reflections project involved members of Holme Valley Sharing Memories, a local arts group for older people based in Honley, working alongside pupils from Lydgate Special School, adults with learning difficulties from The Bridgewood Trust and adults recovering from mental health issues from Enfield Down.
All the participants learned basic glass making techniques from artist Alex Blakey and used their skills to create a glass tile or pendant.
They were taught a range of approaches including working with sand, collage and paint and the subject matter for the finished tiles ranged from favourite pets, to holidays and hobbies.
Everyone made a tile or pendant which went on display at Hope Bank Works near Honley.
Project manager, Sally Brown, said:
“Projects like this offer opportunities for young and old to work together and share their life experiences in a positive environment which gives all the participants self-confidence.
“It was relatively straightforward to make a simple tile design and working with Alex, our glass artist, was inspirational.
“Everyone enjoyed working together and we shared our work in a final celebration event with tea and cakes.”
Holme Valley Sharing Memories is currently looking for new recruits, aged 65 and over. One of its aims is to bring older people together to share their memories of the past with each other and the wider community, and use these shared memories to create high quality artworks. The next project will be looking at the heritage of Hope Bank Pleasure Grounds.
It meets every Thursday afternoon between 1pm and 3.30pm at Hope Bank Works near Honley and free transport to and from the meetings is provided. If you live in or near the Holme Valley and would like to find out more about joining Sharing Memories you can contact project manager Sally Brown on 07950 870864, or email sally-brown@btconnect.com or artist Jan Benham on 01484 687219 to find out more.
The Reflections project was funded by Kirklees Council’s Arts in the Neighbourhood programme, Creative Minds and The One Community Foundation.
To make a donation to the group go to www.localgiving.com and search on Holme Valley Sharing Memories.
For more information visit http://www.sharingmemories.org.uk/cms/
News Location
Hope Bank Works
Woodhead Road
Telephone: 07950 870 864
Email: sally-brown@btconnect.com
Website: http://www.sharingmemories.org.uk/cms/