Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust / Events / Thu 03 Dec 2020
Winter Tree Identification - Online

Join us for a 90 minute talk about how to use the various keys and guides to aid you in identifying trees in their winter state. Learn about how bud and twig characteristics, along with other identifying marks can be used help you to correctly identifying the trees most commonly found in Hertfordshire.
There will be a chance to ask questions at the end and there will also be handouts to download.
Presenter: Andy Holtham, HMWT Volunteer
Suitable for adults but all welcome.
Free to attend (suggested donation $£5 per registration)
For more information visit https://www.hertswildlifetrust.org.uk/events/2020-12-03-winter-tree-identification-online
Event Location
In your home
Telephone: 01727 858 901
Email: events@hmwt.org
Website: https://www.hertswildlifetrust.org.uk/events/2020-12-03-winter-tree-identification-online