Herts Visual Arts presents another high calibre speaker event. On Thursday 17 October guest speaker Drusilla Cole comes to Hertfordshire especially to talk about an area of art that affects all our lives – pattern. She is an energetic and enthusiastic speaker inspired by surface pattern – its history, its colour, its affect on our daily lives and the stories that patterns hold.
This talk, entitled ‘Repeating Surface Pattern; Its Development Over the Past 150 Years’ takes place at Trestle Arts Base on 17 October 2013 at 7.00pm. Knowing Drusilla Cole’s wide-ranging expertise and analytical artist’s eye it will be both inspiring and intriguing to travel with her through decades of pattern.
Drusilla’s own art encompasses pattern in a wide range of media – etchings, woodcuts, collagraph, linocut prints, as well as dyed, painted and screen printed textiles, artists books, polymer clay jewellery and more. She has also written three books on her specialist subject which is pattern as found in textiles, wallpaper and fabrics. www.drusillacole.co.uk
Humans are hard-wired to find pattern in everything around us. The history of pattern represents cultural change as well as individual taste. It promises to be an important talk because pattern is in the fabric of all our lives.
HVA presents artist, lecturer and writer Drusilla Cole talking about ‘Repeating Surface Pattern; Its Development Over the Past 150 Years’.
The talk is open to members of the public as well as members of Herts Visual Arts.
Date: Thursday 17 October 2013
Time: 7.00pm
Venue: Trestle Arts Base, Russet Drive, St Albans, AL4 0JQ.
Price and booking: Places are limited. For HVA members and students places are free. For non-members £5.00 per head. Use this link to reserve your place now:
For more information visit http://www.hvaf.org.uk/news/Forthcoming-HVA-Events/Drusilla-Cole/
Event Location
Trestle Arts Base
Russet Drive, St Albans
Telephone: 07813 100 651
Email: openstudios@hvaf.org.uk
Website: http://www.hvaf.org.uk/news/Forthcoming-HVA-Events/Drusilla-Cole/