Harpenden Choral Society / Events / Tue 15 to Wed 16 Sep 2015 (2 days)
Open Rehearsal with the Harpenden Choral Society

The Harpenden Choral Society cordially welcomes keen singers to its annual Open Rehearsal at the start of its 40th Anniversary season. If you enjoy singing, then why not join us for an Open Rehearsal of works for our November 21st concert, including Vivaldi’s Gloria and Bach’s Magnificat. The rehearsal will be conducted by award winning Musical Director John Andrews, and accompanied by Vivien Powles.
Whether you are new to the area or a long time local resident, the Harpenden Choral Society extends a warm and friendly welcome to sopranos, altos, tenors and basses from 18 to 80 plus. Why not add your voice to over 80 others with the Harpenden Choral Society and be a part of a big, beautiful sound? The rehearsal will be held on Tuesday 15th September at the United Reformed Church Hall, Vaughan Road, Harpenden AL5 4ED. 7:45 for 8:00 pm. Admission is free, scores are provided, and newcomers are most welcome, whether you have ever sung in a choir before or not.
Join us for this one rehearsal, and, if you enjoy it, consider becoming a member of the Harpenden Choral Society and perform with us for this very special 40th Anniversary season, which will culminate with a performance of Elijah at The Alban Arena next summer. Refreshments will be provided in the interval. For further information visit our website: www.harpendenchoralsociety.org or phone Membership Secretary, Marion Oxley on 01582 832900 or Email: membership@harpendenchoralsociety.org
For more information visit http://www.harpendenchoralsociety.org/
Event Location
United Reformed Church Hall
Vaughan Road, Harpenden
Telephone: 01582 832 900
Email: membership@harpendenchoralsociety.org
Website: http://www.harpendenchoralsociety.org/