Harbour House / Events / Tue 23 May to Sun 04 Jun 2017 (2 weeks)

Simon Dobbs’ current paintings, in acrylic on canvas, are images mainly derived from birds on Slapton Ley – hence the title: Swansong. These are large and colourful with the scale of the gallery space in mind.
Opening View: Tuesday 23 May, 5 - 8 pm
Admission free
Simon studied at St Martin’s School of Art before training as an architect and town planner. He took up painting full-time in the 1990s, exhibiting paintings of the urban landscape in London, and then for five years ran the Seagull Gallery in Salcombe, exhibiting mainly his own work. He has exhibited in London and Japan as well as locally in Devon.
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/g17-simondobbs.shtml