Harbour House / Events / Tue 06 to Sat 10 Mar 2012 (5 days)

Kingsbridge Community College presents its seventh annual exhibition at Harbour House, featuring a wide range of Art, Photography and Textiles produced by VI Form Students.
The exhibition gives the students the opportunity to show off the coursework produced for AS and A2 Level studies.
Art & Design students in Year 12 are currently working on portrait paintings on the theme of Chiaroscuro, exploring the effects of light and shade, and examining the works of artists such as Caravaggio, Lucien Freud, Stanley Spencer and Rembrandt. Students are also exploring the concept of Mythical Animals, and studying the work of sculptors such as Sophie Ryder.
Year 12 Art Textiles students have been working on garments, hats, masks and headdresses from multicultural sources.
Year 13 Art Photography students are currently completing the coursework element of their A2 studies, and will present personal responses to a wide variety of themes. This body of work combines both chemical processes and digital imagery.
Open Tue - Sat, 10 am - 5 pm
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/gallery-KCCYear12and1312.html