Hannahs / Opportunities / Mon 13 Apr 2015
Call For Artists: Just Add Water Exhibition

In 2013, we hosted our first open exhibition. Over 30 artists were selected from across the country and the exhibition highlighted the vast array of talented artists – many of whom had not previously exhibited their works. In June 2015, we will be holding a second open exhibition – Just Add Water. We are looking for artists and makers to submit their most innovative and creative works based on any aspect of the theme “Water” but in particular we are keen to see work around the idea of swimming.
So, what do you need to know?
Hannahs at Seale-Hayne is open to the public 7 days a week, free of charge, with an annual footfall circa 100,000. You are very welcome to come along and visit at any time (core opening hours are 10-5 with later openings to coincide with events and functions).
The main gallery space is approx 120sqm and is equipped with a secure hanging system, UV filters on all windows and a secure alarm system. The gallery is stewarded at all times and work can also be available for sale. Please note, a 40% commission is taken which feeds directly back into the Charity. In the last 2 years, the gallery has hosted exhibitions from the V&A, Hayward Touring and an extremely successful exhibition showcasing the private family collection of work by Robert Lenkiewicz.
In addition there is over 90 acres of land, plus numerous spaces such as the Bistro, Health & Wellbeing Centre and accommodation. We are very happy to consider requests to exhibit works across the whole site though please bear in mind these may not always be manned spaces.
The exhibition is open to all although we would particularly like to encourage applications from artists with a disability to take part.
Background to Hannahs at Seale-Hayne
Hannahs at Seale-Hayne was opened in 2010 as an innovative and groundbreaking solution to the complete lack of appropriate facilities for people with disabilities once they reach adulthood. The project is an amazing place for the community, for people of all abilities, where we can train, learn, have fun and fulfil our true potential without judgement or limit. A place of true integration and imagination. A place where disability is incidental.
With countless opportunities such as outdoor pursuits, arts, music, horticulture, radio, events, animal husbandry, a bar and bistro – nowhere is off limits to our young adults. We have created a supportive and exciting environment where individuals can explore social and business enterprises, learn new skills or simply enrich their lives and enjoy all there is to offer amongst friends.
More information about Hannahs at Seale-Hayne and the Dame Hannah Rogers Trust can be found by visiting www.discoverhannahs.org
Key Dates
Deadline for applications: 13th April 2015, 5pm
Delivery of work: Wk beginning 18th May 2015
Private View: Friday 22nd May 2015
Exhibition dates: 23rd May – 21st June 2015
Collection of work: 22nd or 23rd June 2015
How to apply
Please submit the following:
1. A short statement about you and your work
2. Links to examples of your work, or a max of 3 attachments
(please do not send original works in the post)
3. If the work you would like to exhibit is not yet complete, tell us about the
Applications should be emailed to anna.gilroy@discoverhannahs.org
A selection panel will review all applications and reply as per the timescale above.
There is no charge to apply.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact
For more information visit http://www.creativetorbay.com/networks/creative-torbay/documents/justaddwater2.pdf?1427709201
Opportunity Location
Hannahs at Seale-Hayne
Howton Lane
Near Newton Abbot
South Devon
TQ12 6NQ
Telephone: 01626 325 800
Email: anna.gilroy@discoverhannahs.org
Website: http://www.creativetorbay.com/networks/creative-torbay/documents/justaddwater2.pdf?1427709201