HANDS / Events / Sat 22 Nov to Sat 13 Dec 2014 (3 weeks)

Print your own Christmas Cards!

Print your own Christmas Cards!

Sara Gilbert is giving a series of Saturday print-making workshops where you will learn yo make a lino plate to create your own unique hand-made Christmas card. You'll learn the printing techniques and how to use a professional printing press.

Each workshop costs £45 + £5 for materials and runs from 10am to 3.30pm. tea, coffee & nibbles provided!

The next available dates are the 22nd November and the 6th & 13th December. These are popular events and places are limited so book now to avoid disappointment!

For more information visit http://www.discoverhannahs.org/Seale-Hayne/

Event Location

Room LW017

Hannah's at Seale-Hayne,
Howton Lane,
Newton Abbot,
TQ12 6NQ

Telephone: 07814 544 059
Email: sara@artgilbert.co.uk
Website: http://www.discoverhannahs.org/Seale-Hayne/
