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Gaelle Stark

Gaelle Stark Fusion Acting and Musical Exploration

The company aims to create exciting, thought-provoking productions that are a fusion of music and drama. We seek to create a space where people of a wide variety of ages can explore and engage with different forms of theatre.

We also run workshops and classes for both adults and young people.

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Telephone: 01803 844 929

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Measure for Measure on the beach / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2012-07-28T00:00:00Z">Sat 28 Jul 2012</span>Measure for Measure on the beach / Sat 28 Jul 2012

Broadsands beach outdoor performance (weather permitting). Come and watch this production in an exciting setting!

Measure for Measure / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2012-07-18T00:00:00Z">Wed 18</span> to <span  itemprop="endDate" content="2012-07-21T00:00:00Z">Sat 21 Jul 2012</span> <span>(4 days)</span>Measure for Measure / Wed 18 to Sat 21 Jul 2012 (4 days)

Shakespeare's tale of retribution, sin and lust... Vienna is out of control. Desperate to try and make things right, Duke Vincentio hands over his ...