Eye-view 2019 / Opportunities / Fri 14 Dec 2018
Creative Sparks Open call for submissions
We invite from submissions from artists and creative groups to act as ‘creative sparks’ for community-based projects to take place between March and June 2019 in Torbay as part of Eyeview, Torbay’s Great Place Scheme Cultural Programme.
Artists and creative groups based in Torbay and South Devon are invited to apply for up to £2000 seed funding to animate a particular community within Torbay. We are looking to support up to 6 creative ideas that are impactful, joyful, and bring people together.
You can be working in any artform with experience in participatory or socially- engaged arts practice, or with a demonstrable commitment to a particular community in Torbay.
You may already know who you would like to work with and perhaps have an existing relationship or programme within that community. You may have an idea for collaborating with a community that you don’t already have links with. We will be looking to link up great creative proposals with interested communities locally. We want to help you realise your idea and connect creative practitioners and artists with communities where there is a natural match.
We are looking for ideas from artists that allow communities to come together, to share and celebrate and see themselves in a new way. There is no prescription on how this happens, artform or approach. From street-takeovers, to opening up homes and spaces, physical inventions in the public realm, exhibitions, performances, community actions – we encourage artists to put forward proposals that will allow communities to think differently.
We don’t expect this funding to be able to cover all of the costs of the proposal. There is no criteria for match funding, but we will be keen to help realise projects that can build on this opportunity through in kind and other financial support.
For more information visit https://eye-view.org.uk/live-calls/