Tree Circles light up Princess Alexandria Hospital
The entrance to Princess Alexandria Hospital in Harlow is now illuminated by “Tree circles”, an inspirational glass installation by Pardon Mill artist Ewa Wawrzyniak. She lives and works in Hertfordshire.
Tree Circles was opened on 26th July in the presence of Ewa Wawrzyniak, Inger, Eric, Ingrid and Joyce Collins from the sponsoring family, outgoing PAH Deputy CEO and Chief Nurse Nancy Fontaine, Jacqueline Jackson, Assistant Project Manager, Quality First +++.
Tree Circles spans three discs of glass and is backlit in a frame especially designed by Ewa’s fellow Parndon Mill craftsman Barry Volckman.
“In the making of the Tree Circles, I wanted to represent a renewal, hope, promise. The prominent position in the hospital entrance dictated to me the importance of communicating to people coming to the hospital, that there is always a potential for new in our lives,” said Ewa.
“Using glass as a medium I could play with light and shadows drawing with enamels and using glass powders as a background colour. I wanted to capture Trees in Spring as a symbol of a fresh start - positive energy.”
“Ewa’s Tree Circles is a thank you to the NHS and PAH in particular for the important role it has played in the community in Harlow over so many years,” said Inger.
“PAH deals not only with the medical condition of people. It welcomes people with courtesy and friendliness, and shows great consideration for human dignity.”
Talking about the installation, Eric added that the aim of Tree Circles is to introduce colour and light into the hospital entrance.
“The inspiration is a mixture of medieval and modern. Stain glass has added greatly to the atmosphere of churches over the centuries. And in modern times we have all got used to the allure of backlit smartphone screens.”
“Tree Circles shares the luminous qualities of both. We hope that it will help create a calm and colourful environment for people walking into the hospital.”
Ewa has worked for over ten years at Pardon Mill, and teaches at the University of Hertfordshire in Hatfield.
The opening ceremony coincided with the last day at PAH for both Nancy and Jacqueline. So the inauguration of Tree Circles was a poignant moment, marking the beginning of a new era in more senses than one.