Wednesday, September 7th 7.30pm - Civic Hall, Totnes, Devon
£5 adults / £3 concessions
Encounters Arts host a dialogue event with Combatants for Peace (CfP) - a grass roots bi–national peace and reconciliation organisation from Israel and Palestine. 16 members of CfP are visiting the UK and will share a platform to tell their personal stories of transformation from violence to non-violence.
Combatants for Peace (www.combatantsforpeace.org) was formed in 2005 by Palestinians who had been part of the violent struggle against the occupation and Israelis who had fought in the Israeli army. Having put down their arms, CFP members are now engaged in a non-violent joint struggle to end the Israeli occupation and create a viable peace in the region. They are committed to using dialogue and a variety of reconciliation methods, including forum theatre, to create a growing grass roots movement of individuals who are aware of and willing to actively engage with the ‘other’.
The evening will include some Forum Theatre, a discussion exploring the Israeli/Palestinian conflict with all its complexities and an opportunity to hear individual stories of transformation from violence to nonviolence.
Encounters work in association with Amnesty International to create annual Dialgoue and Reconciliation opportunities for members of CFP to be able to meet free of the constraints of the occupation and the conflict and share their inspiring work with UK audiences.
No Victory in Violence forms part of a series of events hosted by Encounters in South Devon and London 3-10 September 2011.
Proceeds go to Combatants for Peace.
For more information contact Ben Yeger:
07977 449901 • ben@encounters-arts.org.uk
“Amnesty International were delighted to work with Combatants for Peace in 2010 and to support them in our shared aim of seeing Israelis and Palestinians living peacefully together with their human rights and dignity respected and protected. They are remarkable, tenacious and inspiring individuals and as collective an example of what being the change you want to see in the world looks like.” Kristyan Benedict – Campaigns Manager, Amnesty International UK.
For more information visit http://www.encounters-arts.org.uk/
Event Location
Website: http://www.encounters-arts.org.uk/