Discover Huddersfield

Discover Huddersfield / Events / Thu 18 Jul 2019

Sculptures, Statues and Mosaics Revealed on Town Centre Walk

Sculptures, Statues and Mosaics Revealed on Town Centre Walk

An evening guided walk around the centre of Huddersfield will highlight the often overlooked wealth of sculptural and other public art in the town.

Led by Chris Marsden, former chairman of Huddersfield Civic Society and author of the recently published, ‘Huddersfield in 50 Buildings’, the walk will begin at 7.00pm on Thursday 18 July from the Harold Wilson statue in St. George’s Square and last approximately 1.5 hours.

The walk features a number of features of national importance, including the world’s largest ceramic panels at Queensgate Market and the stone figures outside the library as well as superbly carved figures such as on the Kirkgate Buildings, Lloyds TSB and Britannia Buildings.

Chris will reveal the background and artists responsible for the works as well as the stories behind various mosaics including ‘Systematic Sequence in Line and Shade’ and ‘Development of the Woollen Industry’.

Further information about the programme of walks organised by Discover Huddersfield and a series of free trails, can be found at local information points and libraries or by visiting

The walks costs £3 per person but no booking is required.

Event Location

St. George's Square (Harold Wilson statue)

Event Details
