darts (Doncaster Community Arts)

darts (Doncaster Community Arts) / Events / Thu 17 May 2018 to Sat 18 May 2019 (1 year)

Swaglets + Swag Choir

Swaglets + Swag Choir

Swaglets and Swag are choirs with a difference - dynamic vocal groups with bags of attitude, combining R&B, hip hop and dance tracks with choreography.

No experience necessary, free to attend.

Sessions run Thursdays during term-time.

Swaglets is the group for 11 - 14 year olds and runs at 5:15pm - 6:15pm
Swag is for 14 - 18 year olds and runs at 6:15pm - 7:30pm.

For more information visit https://www.thepoint.org.uk/swag-choir-at-the-point/

Event Location

The Point

South Parade

Email: darts@thepoint.org.uk
Website: https://www.thepoint.org.uk/swag-choir-at-the-point/

Event Details


Dance, Music
