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Dan Petley Talented, hard working and ready to take on the world...

I am a multi disciplined artist, who aims to produce work of the highest standard in every medium that I work in. My practice originated in 2005 when the films that I had made whilst working in Cardiff prison became an inspiration to paintings whose bold compositions and painstaking execution challenge and develop themes of identity and human interaction. When I enrolled on a BA course in fine art, I soon realised that I could take on and master any medium that I could legitimately use in developing my identity as a creative practitioner.

I have successfully produced well received work in painting, jewellery, performance, live sound generation, film making, sculpture, stand-up comedy, poetry and web design, as well as having invented my own genre of extreme techno called ‘Gabwop’, which I perform at nightclubs. I push myself very hard in order to reach my full potential in all of these mediums. Many artists suffer by being diverse in their mediums, whereas I thrive on the challenging eclecticism that I subject myself to, which only a seriously dedicated lover of art and creation could deal with.

When I graduated with first degree honours in September 2008, I decided to carry on producing artwork and participating in the local art scene, doing a low paid job in order to fund my practice. I was surprised to realise that this was an unusual option, with some of my contemporaries either neglecting or giving up their art practice, and others applying to do more education, such as a Masters in fine art or teacher training courses.
None of these options were right for me, as I felt that I wanted to break away from the academic establishment to create work on my own terms. So since then I have submitted new work for a number of local projects, as well as working hard at producing, as well as arranging gallery and press exposure for, my paintings and jewellery.

My main intention when doing a public piece of work is to stimulate and challenge the audience with an interesting and memorable experience that I feel will help to evolve and re evaluate not only my practice, but also my relationship with the world around me.

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My News

Postcards Home / Wed 17 Feb 2010

I started to form the concept for this project by brainstorming about ways in which I could develop a new direction in my painted work. In this projec...

My Audio

An interview on Radio Devon

This is me being interviewed on the BBC Radio Devon breakfast show on October 19th 2009.

Drop it like it's hard

This was a track on what turned out to be our last Liono EP, 'Holiday'. These tracks were all recorded as responses to a holiday that we organised wit...


This is a track from the 3rd official album by my sound art side project 'Liono'. On this album, each track is a genuine reflection on our own social ...