Creative Torbay / Opportunities / Fri 13 Jul 2018
Trustee, Hall For Cornwall

Hall For Cornwall is a leading performance venue in Truro, Cornwall’s capital city. To our audiences and community, we are a place to dream, be inspired, and enjoy.
We are about to begin a £19.8 million heritage-sensitive capital redevelopment. With a refurbished theatre of increased capacity, a creative industries hub, and a 10-year business plan encompassing programming, artistic ambition, arts and talent development, digital innovation and education, the venue is on the threshold of historic change.
We are particularly interested in hearing from applicants with high-level financial expertise gained in one of:
Creative industries: arts organisation Financial Director or similar
Higher education (college or university): Chief Accountant level or similar
Local or national government: directorial level, Economy/Finance
Building and construction: financial management of complex projects
Our Trustees are vital to ensuring the organisation is able develop, manage risk and flourish. Supported by funding from ACE, ERDF, Cornwall Council and others, construction of a new theatre inside a Grade II* listed building is a major undertaking. Recruitment of a Trustee skilled in finance will help the Board ensure it is best-equipped to guide the venue to achieve challenging strategic goals.
The post of Trustee is a voluntary position, though reimbursement of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses can be claimed. There are 4 Board meetings a year (minimum), with notice of meetings and associated documents sent electronically. Trustees may also serve on a sub-committee; meetings are held according to need.
The CEO & Creative Director of HFC is Julien Boast, supported by an executive management team of five. The Board currently consists of 8 Trustees. Co-Chairs of the Board are Rosemary Squire DBE and Christopher Pomfret OBE.
Application: by CV and brief covering letter telling us why you are interested in joining our Board of Trustees. To apply, request a Trustee role profile, or seek further details, please contact Dagnija Innus (Head of Governance): dagnijai@hallforcornwall.org.uk.