Creative Torbay / Opportunities / Sun 24 Jun 2018
Open Call - Scratch performances

Open Call - Scratch performances @Reading Family Fringe Festival, Reading Fringe Festival
Open Call for scratch performances - Small Somethings @ Reading Family Fringe Festival
Reading Family Fringe Festival is looking for 4 artists/companies to share works in progress for children and young people.
Taking place on The Oracle Riverside as part of the Reading Fringe Festival, this is an opportunity to share new work with audiences in a relaxed, pop-up venue.
We’re looking for theatre pieces around 15-20 minutes in length that are aimed at young audiences and families.
Small Somethings is an opportunity to share an idea for the first time or to further develop an existing project.
Festival Date: Wednesday 28th July (Small Somethings @ 12:30 & 4:30pm)
Location: The Oracle Riverside, Reading
Fee: Reading Fringe will provide £100 to each artist/company to support expenses & materials.
Tech: The scratch performances will take place in an outdoor space that can be covered if necessary. There is no lighting in the space but there will be a P.A system set up.
Deadline for application - Sunday 24th June
Please send applications to laurence.a.greiner@gmail.com providing the following information;
-Your name and preferred contact details
-A short outline of your proposed scratch performance (including intended audience age e.g 3-6’s, 11+)
-For further information, or if you have any questions please contact Reading Family Fringe curator Laurence Alliston-Greiner (laurence.a.greiner@gmail.com)