Creative Torbay

Creative Torbay / Events / Sun 19 Jun 2016

Moretonhampstead Music Day 2016

Moretonhampstead Music Day 2016


Moreton Music Day is three weeks today, on Sunday 19th June and here is the full programme for the One Day, Four Stages, Forty bands bringing fabulous music to Visit Moretonhampstead, starting at midday and finishing at midnight. Its all free entry and we'll be fundraising for MS Society UK.

Come on up to Moretonhampstead and enjoy some fine ale, good food and great music in the heart of Dartmoor...

Appearing this year are.....deep breath..... The Ruse, Nosey Crows, Finn Bognuda, Mud Skippers, Kick like a Mule, Medicine Hat with Emily, The Toaks, Dan’s Brother, Mistreated, Saint of Me, Five Finger Discount, Zoe Williams, Daughters of Herne, DnA, Nine Pound Catfish, Danny Silverwood, Mains Gas, Phoenix Dance Band, The Invisible Opera Company of Tibet, FAB, With Nell & I, Heartland, Alex Kumar, Marc Woodward and Andy Brown, Bunny Boilers, Johnsons Blues Explosion, Zac Ward and Finn Talisker, Harmony Bidder, The Moortones, The Moreton Singers, Dartmoor Harmony, Big Noise Chorus, Moreton Sinfonietta, Zena Ahmed, Tony Bayliss, DeMalebysse and Daisy House, Jacob Riddall, Hocus Folkus, Laura Gowers, Jacob Housego, Georgia Bonfield, Karen Chapman Newton & friends, Scott Morrison & Ishy, David Harvey, Flute Salad, Flute2, Greg Hancock, Evie Beamish, Ian Mortimer. Its a family friendly day with every genre of music from rock, rocky folk, folk ancient and modern, indy, blues, funk, punk, to choirs, classical, ceilidh, jazz and swing.

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