Creative Torbay / Opportunities / Mon 08 Jan 2018
Chief Executive, The Arts Development Company

The current CEO is stepping down from the post and the company is now seeking to appoint a new chief executive.
The appointee will:
• Lead the company into a new phase of business development.
• Continue to build on the reputation of the company as an innovative force for change in the arts and cultural sector.
• Work with key partners and stakeholders to ensure that arts and culture continue to play a central role in Dorset communities, and that the company continues to operate in a strategic role in relation to this goal.
• Represent the company locally, regionally and nationally with funders and other prospective partners, creating business value and impact through these partnerships.
• Continue to oversee and develop the culture and running of the company as an employeeled entity committed to ideas of collaborative shared management and driven social enterprise.
• Post induction and probation period, take a director seat on the board and work closely with other directors to further develop and extend the shape and functioning of the board and overall governance of the organisation.
• Search out and implement new business and trading opportunities to reduce the dependency of the company on public funding.
• Oversee the successful operation and further development of all our key business functions (e.g. communications and marketing, finance, governance, social impact, HR) ensuring continuous quality improvement in these areas.
Please visit the website for full details: http://theartsdevelopmentcompany.org.uk/news/new-ceo/