The Revd. Alan Ashton is a retired Methodist minister, living in Cambridge and currently Secretary of the Burwell & District Flower Club. He brings this event to Royston with a concern that all who attend will have Carnival Fun with him through the experience of flowers, plant material and creative designs. www.royston-methodist.org.uk
Where: Royston Methodist Church (SG8 7AU)
When: Saturday 24 September, 2.30pm – 4.30pm
Tickets £5 from Sue on 01763 243815 or walter962@btinternet.com
For more information visit https://issuu.com/thelisting/docs/programme2016
Event Location
Royston Methodist Church
Queens Road,
Telephone: 01763 243 815
Email: walter962@btinternet.com
Website: https://issuu.com/thelisting/docs/programme2016