Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 15 Mar 2018
Young Innovators' Programme

Here is a fantastic opportunity to get 18-30 year olds into business.
Innovate UK have teamed up with The Prince’s Trust on the Young Innovators Programme campaign to help the next generation make an impact. Working with 18-30 year olds who are not in employment, education or training, or are in a form of under-employment, the programme will ensure those who have an idea for an innovation that could go on to be commercially successful, are presented with a new opportunity to develop it further.
An Event in your area:
Live Regional Events are being held throughout February and March, with young people who will be offered the tools, support and expert advice to help them realise the potential of their ideas. Following this, they will be offered ongoing support to all attendees and each will have the chance to apply for financial support from Innovate UK to develop their plans.
The award package will include:
• An allowance
• 1:1 coaching and mentoring from an Innovation Champion
• A pot of funding to support specific requirements, e.g. travel to meet customers/partners, attending relevant training courses, equipment, hiring office space and IT support.
More information can be found at the link below:
For more information visit https://www.princes-trust.org.uk/help-for-young-people/princes-trust-online/young-innovators?utm_source=ktn_nov&utm_medium=digital_ktn&utm_campaign=innovate_ktn