Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 10 Jun 2022
West Yorkshire Mayor's Safer Communities Fund

The Mayor’s Safer Communities Fund allows voluntary, community groups, charities and partners to apply for funding.
The fund is looking to provide support to innovative projects which address at least one of the cross-cutting themes, and one of the priorities within the Police and Crime Plan 2021-24.
The cross-cutting themes are:
Keeping women and girls safe.
Diversity, equality, and inclusion.
Early intervention and prevention.
The priorities are:
Supporting Victims and Witnesses and Improving Criminal Justice Outcomes.
Keeping People Safe and Building Resilience.
Safer Places and Thriving Communities.
Responding to Multiple and Complex Needs.
For more information visit https://www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/policing-and-crime/mayor-s-safer-communities-fund/