Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 20 Sep 2021
Thriving Kirklees: Seed Fund 2021

Thriving Kirklees are working in partnership with Third Sector Leaders Kirklees to find community organisations working with children, young people and families that have ideas for activities that can support their work.
Eligibility Criteria:
They are particularly interested in projects that are:
Family Centred
Concerned with prevention and early intervention
Joined Up with other provision and services
Focused on the needs of under-represented children, young people, and families (e.g. BAME, children with additional needs/disabilities, LGBQT+, asylum seekers/refugees etc)
Co produced
You are strongly encouraged to use the Thriving Kirklees objectives below to guide your project and to demonstrate that potential beneficiaries have been engaged in the idea and delivery of your project.
Ensure young people and families are able to shape Thriving Kirklees services and support, through co-production and volunteering opportunities.
Invest in new/enhanced Thriving Kirklees services to improve outcomes based on what families are telling us
Ensure health equalities across the Thriving Kirklees offer
Engage diverse stakeholders to strengthen partnership delivery, reduce gaps/duplication, and better manage risks
Promote shared working culture, reflective of Thriving Kirklees values
Improve service delivery and communication through partnership working
We are looking for your creative ideas to encourage people to get involved in new activities and services that will improve their health and well-being.
Successful applications will have 6 months from approval to deliver their project.
Closing date for submitting this application is 5pm on Monday September 20th 2021.
For support with your project idea and completion of this form, please contact Bridget Hughes at:
bridget@tslkirklees.org.uk or phone 07540434573
For more information visit http://www.thrivingkirklees.org.uk/seed-fund-criteria/
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 07540 434 573
Email: bridget@tslkirklees.org.uk
Website: http://www.thrivingkirklees.org.uk/seed-fund-criteria/