Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 29 Jan 2016
Survey of arts and cultural organisations by University of Leeds

Investigating UK fundraising and philanthropy is a survey of arts and cultural organisations being conducted by the University of Leeds as part of the evaluation of the Arts Fundraising and Philanthropy programme.
The information collected as part of this survey will help them to assess the success of the Arts Fundraising and Philanthropy programme and levels of engagement by arts and cultural organisations across the sector in fundraising, and in securing resources through philanthropic giving. It also explores how and why the arts and cultural sector is developing innovative and effective practice and a more entrepreneurial approach to income generation.
The University of Leeds are seeking the involvement of a diversity of organisations across the arts and cultural sector to contribute their views and experiences through completing this survey. If you would like to take part it should take no more than 15 minutes of your time. Click https://leeds.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/investigating-uk-fundraising-and-philanthropy-amongst-arts to take the survey. The closing date is Friday 29 January 2016.
Information collected as part of this survey will only be used for the purposes of evaluating the Arts Fundraising and Philanthropy programme. For further information on the programme and reports of previous evaluation findings please visit the programme website via the link below.
For more information visit http://artsfundraising.org.uk/evaluation/