Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 06 Nov 2020
Sky Writes Writers-in-Residence and Coordinators

New Writing North and Sky Studios are working together on Sky Writes, a new talent development programme which seeks to identify and nurture television writers from under-represented groups who are based in the North of England. This is the first year of the programme, which it's anticipated will begin in Spring 2021.
Sky Writes has been created to help diversify the pool of television writers in the UK. It will offer an introduction to writing for television for people from under-represented groups and under-served geographical areas in the North of England, with a particular aim to support people of colour and those from LGBTQ+, disabled and lower socio-economic backgrounds.
There are 6 freelance posts in total. Sky Writes are looking for a Writer in Residence and a Coordinator for each of these locations: Gateshead, Rotherham and Blackpool.
Deadline: 12 noon on 6 November
For more information visit https://newwritingnorth.com/news/were-recruiting-6-freelance-roles/