Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 24 Apr 2017
Royal Television Society Yorkshire Awards 2017

The Royal Television Society have announced the categories and criteria for this year's entries to the RTS Yorkshire Centre Awards. Details are below and on their webste https://awardsentry.rts.org.uk/entrant.
The RTS Yorkshire Centre Awards celebrate excellence in production across all platforms, formats and genres. We are a region proud of its television industry and all our nominees and winners will have two things in common: They will reflect exceptional quality, originality and skill; and they will also have a connection to Yorkshire.
Entries must have been broadcast or released between 1 March 2016 and 28 February 2017. Any series or serial episode submitted for judging must have been broadcast/released within the qualifying period although other episodes in the series may not have been.
Entries must be received by 12 noon on Tuesday 25 April 2017. Regrettably, no entries will be accepted after the closing date.
Independent productions may be entered either by the production company or the broadcaster.
Co-productions are eligible for entry, so long as all other criteria are met.
Any programme submitted for judging must have been made by a company, broadcaster or individual based in the Yorkshire region or the majority of the programme (at least 60%) must have been filmed in the region.
Individuals entered for awards must either have worked on a qualifying programme or must live and work in the region.
Entries will be limited to three per company per category.
The Yorkshire region is defined as the aggregated transmission areas of ITV Yorkshire and BBC Yorkshire and BBC Yorkshire & Lincolnshire.
The cost of entering is £55.00 + VAT (£66.00) per entry. (see below for details of 50% refunds on some entries). There is no charge for making suggestions for the RTS Yorkshire Outstanding Contribution Award.
All entries must be cleared for copying and showing at the Awards Dinner on 7 July 2017.
Entries close on 24 April. The qualifying period for entries is 1 March 2016 to 28 Feb 2017 (entries need to have been broadcast or released during this period).
Entries are via the RTS’ online system. Go to https://awardsentry.rts.org.uk/entrant/ to create your account and enter the Yorkshire Centre awards. All entries should be uploaded to the online entry system.
For more information visit https://awardsentry.rts.org.uk/entrant/