Creative Kirklees

Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 13 Mar 2018

Project Griffin counter terrorism course for staff and public

Project Griffin counter terrorism course for staff and public

Do you run events with members of the public? Kirklees Council Emergency Planning Team are running a free 3 hour course called Project Griffin which will prepare staff for the eventuality of being caught up in a terrorist attack and how to spot the signs of attack planning.

You may have heard the recent radio adverts and news stories around the national “ACT” campaign… Project Griffin is Kirklees' way of meeting the needs of that campaign.

Project Griffin is a nationally accredited course with CPD points for those who collect them and a certificate.

Next Dates:
Tues 13 March 2018, 9.30am – 12.30pm

For further information go to the web link below.

For more information visit

Opportunity Location

The Hudawi Centre

Great Northern Street


Opportunity Details

Opportunity Types

