Creative Kirklees

Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 04 Sep 2015

Platform Open Annual Art Exhibition

Platform Open Annual Art Exhibition

Platform Open Annual Art Exhibition is an exciting new non-profit exhibition showcasing the work of established and emerging contemporary artists from across the UK.

Artists are invited to submit work from a wide range of media to include painting, drawing, photography, film, printmaking, textiles, ceramics, glass, sculpture and installation. The exhibition space is flexible enough to show film and projections as well as more conventional work.

Platform’s aim is to present an exhibition of distinctive, engaging and visionary work that represents the best contemporary art being made.

Key dates and times:

Friday 4th September Final day for submission of online entries
Friday 18th September Notification of accepted works
Wednesday 30th September Receiving day for works 9am – 5pm
Monday 5th October Collection of unsold work 8:30am – 2pm

Submission Procedure:

- Any artist over 18 may submit.
- All artists must submit and complete on-line entry of work by Friday 4th September 2015. (Note: Images must be in JPEG format and under 1MB).
- Submission fee: No charge. Maximum of up to three works can be submitted with details of your name, title of work, and price.
- Work must have been completed in the last two years.
- Works (hanging) should not be larger than 1m to the longest measurement (including the frame).
- Exception will be given to sculpture and installations during our selection process.
- Maximum price: £3000.
- Full terms and conditions of entry.

Artist’s Prizes 2015:

1st Prize: £500 Platform Open
2nd Prize: £200 Cullen Wealth
3rd Prize: £100 Nicholls Tyreman

For more information visit

Opportunity Location

Morphets Of Harrogate

6 Albert Street


Opportunity Details

Opportunity Types

