Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sat 05 Nov 2016
National Arts Fundraising School

Find out how to fundraise for your organisation with the National Arts Fundraising School's next course in November 2016.
£56 million of local authority funding for arts & culture has been cut since 2009. One in five regional museums were closed or part closed last year. Countless theatres, dance companies and festivals are struggling to survive. The future is clear: adapt, find income elsewhere, or go under. The funding world is tough and getting tougher.
The National Arts Fundraising School takes individuals and their organisations to previously undreamt levels of fundraising in just 6 intensive, focused days. The next School is running 6-11 November. Don’t miss out – it’s already a third full with people too late to get on the April School. Book your place at http://www.nationalartsfundraisingschool.com/booking-form.
The National Arts Fundraising School offer a 100% money back guarantee if you don’t raise at least cost of the School within a year of completion.
For more information visit http://www.nationalartsfundraisingschool.com/